I have some lofty ideas to make Monash better. However, I am also a pragmatist. I understand that even if elected, change takes time. This is why I will be detailing a 5 point plan, that focuses on things within my power below.

Policy positions are outlined below my personal plan so you have a clear understanding of where I stand. I will certainly work constructively with whoever my colleagues are, but I will fight for you, and be your voice at every turn. I will NOT take you for granted if you vote for me.

1 - My 10% Pledge

If elected, I am pledging to donate 10% (before tax) of any money I earn as a Councillor back to a community charity. This means I will donate $3939 at the end of each year.

A total of $15,756 returned to the community.

2 - Term Limits

Did you know we have Councillors in Monash, who have been there for almost 25 years!? Councils need fresh ideas, and there needs to be a turnover of people to make this happen. Therefore, I will be championing term-limits for Monash Council. 8 Years is more than enough time within the Council chamber. It works for the US presidents, it can work for us too.

3 - Monthly Town Hall Meetings

Being accessible as a Councillor is everything. I know how frustrating it can be to have an issue, and not feel that no-one will take ownership of it.
I am committing to meet with residents publicly in Monash, at least once a month.
I will not be able to fix every problem alone, but I will ensure that I am listening, understanding, and fighting for you!

4 - Reintroducing Local Paper (opt in)

Councils are the only tier of government without an ‘opposition’. Monash largely operate behind closed doors, and virtually unopposed in all they do. This is why I will advocate to bring a return to a Monash local paper. The current monthly ‘Bulletin’ is little more than propaganda for sitting councilors. I want to see a truly independent publication. One that holds council accountable. Let’s also feature some of the amazing local members of the community we have.

5 - FREE Small Business Support

As a business and marketing lecturer, I want to support Monash businesses however I can. Many small business owners feel unsupported and overwhelmed. This is why I am committing to running a FREE monthly marketing masterclass (pending interest).



The current state of roads and footpaths is grossly insufficient. This is core business for council, and until these are fixed, council should not be worrying about less pressing issues. I will re-focus council and get them to focus on this important issue. With potholes now being seen all over Monash, and with unsafe pavements reported around Weary Dunlop retirement village and Oak Tree Hill. The elderly need to feel safe when walking around their home, not fearing the integrity of the pavements. I will also run a consultation group with parents and other locals to improve the chaotic school pick ups and drop offs. You should not have to arrive 1 hour early to pick up your kids from school. Kids are dying on the roads after school in Monash, and this is simply unacceptable.


Council recently decided to halve the frequency of general rubbish collection, with no noticeable difference to rates. There was also no consideration for special cases such as those with a high volume of medical waste, those with disabilities, and parents with kids in nappies. This has lead to people dumping rubbish in other people’s bins, parks, and shopping centres. I will advocate that we return to weekly rubbish pick ups. Residents are not required to fill bins up weekly but it is comforting to know this core function remains in tact. I will also advocate to have free bin replacements, especially when the damage is the fault of the collectors.


I am pledging to champion a 3 year rate freeze for residents. I have a finance background, and I have reviewed the budget, Monash is in a surplus currently. I also understand the money we have coming into council in the coming years, and this pledge is fully costed. We may have a self-proclaimed economist on council currently, yet rates continue to rise year on year, and Monash continues to sell off assets and cut vital services.


Residents I speak to explain they are sick of property developers knocking on the door every week, trying to entice long-standing residents to sell. With the rise in immigration, there is a push to build housing at an unprecedented rate. Let the state government look elsewhere. I vow to preserve the beauty of Wheelers Hill and Glen Waverley, and take on property developers head-on. We need development, but we need REAL consultation. We have enough land here to build outwards. We do not need to build upwards at the rate we currently are.


With a Master of Business Administration and as a small business owner this is a strength of mine. The City of Monash’s 2024/25 budget has much room for change. e.g. the single biggest expense of $96,567,000 has been earmarked for employee costs. Monash has 867.8 total EFT staff. 56.3 of which are working in the office of the CEO. The 2024/25 budget shows they place “Sustainability” and “Inclusivity” as their first an second key objectives. “Good governance” comes in at number four which needs to be the primary focus.


As a Dad, the primary reason for me running is to make Monash a better city for my family, and other families. For most of us, family is at the heart of all we do. Now more than ever family values must be protected. I will evaluate all decisions before council through this lens.


In the last 12 months we have seen crime rise almost 12%* in the Monash area. Many residents I speak to no longer feel safe in and around their own homes. With home invasions, car robberies, and assaults being the main concerns. Partnering with the police and state member, I will argue that more needs to be done. More police patrols, improved lighting, and better utilisation of CCTV.



There is very little support for small business in Monash. I see an alarming number of businesses closing down across Monash. Some due to the Suburban Rail Loop, and others simply have a knowledge gap or are poorly resourced. I am a lecturer and tutor of business. I get it, because I also own and operate my own business. I will empower businesses across Monash to do better. Using all my expertise and my network. Reducing green and red tape, and taking less money (not more) out of your registers. I will also look to begin free or low cost marketing and business courses for current and perspective business owners.


These are not within the remit of council and as such I will ensure we do not waste ratepayers money or council time debating them. These issues must be dealt with by the Commonwealth. I appreciate the many cultures of Monash, but ultimately we all share a common belief in our great country.


A central tenet to what I stand for and what it means to be an Aussie. I believe in freedom of religion and that government gets decisions wrong the majority of the time, no matter how well-intentioned. Therefore I will advocate for less council intervention on most points. Greater power to the individual will be a key component to my platform. I want the government out of your business, because this is when we flourish. We cannot tax and regulate our way to prosperity.


Instead of focusing on the planet, let’s start by working on what is in our control. I want to preserve the luscious green canopy we have around Wheelers Hill. I will advocate for the planting of more trees on nature strips as well as more off-leash dog parks. I will do all within my power to keep our parks beautiful, and ensure the necessary funding is allocated to their maintenance. I will also take a zero tolerance approach to pollution, litter, and graffiti. I will personally join residents to pick up rubbish from our public spaces each year as a part of the “Keep Australia Beautiful” campaign. Let’s bring back civic pride!